
At the end of the Covenant

Oil on canvas, 2023 Mankind has probably always feared that the apocalypse is at the door and war, pestilence, famine and death are waiting around the corner… With threats of nuclear war and climate collapse with mass extinction of flora and fauna, melting of glaciers and global warming , nuclear winter, earthquakes, floods, extreme weather and so on, it feels […]
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Viola and the family tree

Viola and the family tree (the ghost I used to be), drawing on paper, 29,7×42 cm (A3) To be a part of different settings, to be entwined into history, mix blood and find a place in the pattern- if only for a short time. Still we are but ghosts in the twilight of the fall and new flowers will grow […]
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Minnessten för utdöda fåglar

Kenotaf [ke-] gr. kenota’phion, av keno’s = tom och ta’phos = grav, skengrav, gravmonument rest till minne av avliden vars kvarlevor har gått förlorade eller har jordfästs på annan plats. Bakgrund Sedan 2010 har Mattias Frisk arbetat med en rad olika verk som behandlar människans relation till naturen, livet och döden. Genom att använda gestaltningsformer som normalt förknippas med de […]
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